Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is the secret to coping with fibromyalgia?

Humor! Humor is the secret to coping with fibromyalgia. I have to laugh at myself once in a while to keep from crying. I plan to post Fibro Funnies when something makes me laugh. I invite you to share your fibro funnies too.

Just the other day I had a humorous conversation with my family as I opened a bottle of vitamin D3 to take with my evening meal.
Me (what I thought I said): There are 100 caplets in this bottle.
Family's Response (as they laugh out loud): Well, let them out.
Me (what I actually said): There are 100 catholics in this bottle.

My son continued to laugh hysterically as we discussed what I said vs what I thought I said. He thought that I mentioned the neighbors by their last name. He couldn't imagine why I thought they were in the bottle. I felt a bit relieved, because I am not the only one who makes mistakes.

Fibro Fog oftens causes me to say one thing when I mean another. Sometimes it causes me to spend minutes trying to find the word I want to use, because I know the word that is trying to escape from my mouth is incorrect. Often I end up staring back at folks who are looking at me strangely, as they attempt to figure out what the hell I meant to say. Fibro Fog is my nemesis.

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